Share My Hair Loss Experience

Today we are going to share Emma's hair loss experience with you.
"Around the age 17-18 I began to lose my hair little by little. I am now 35 yrs old and I'm at a point where I can no longer hide my hair loss/thinning. You might ask, why is she making this post? The truth is, this is part of my own acceptance of what I'm losing and what I have left. This is me trying to accept what I have been ignoring and hiding under the rug for many years. This is me trying to accept myself without the hair I wish I had. This is a step in making me a stronger person and helping me love myself for who I am and not for the lack of hair I have. I'm tired of feeling sorry for myself, of being so self aware all the time. I don't want any one to feel bad for me, that's the last thing I desire. What I want, is to inspire and motivate other women who are going through hair loss as I am. It might not be you, but maybe someone you know is, so spread the word to them, they are not alone, they are worth it, and they are beautiful.
There are many causes for hair loss out there, the most known is Alopecia, but there are different types of alopecia, it may be a thyroid problem, it could be anything. Till this day I don't know the reason why I'm losing hair, one of the reasons why I don't know it's because I refused to acknowledge that I was losing hair, even though it was the most obvious. However, I believe there is a high chance I have Androgenic Alopecia and maybe Alopecia universalis. The characteristics are losing hair little by little, it starts with gradual thinning at the part line until eventually hair follicles reduce and then close resulting in hair loss and hair not growing back. The other one is where you lose body hair (which I'm am losing). I still have to get checked, but this is where I'm at, this isn't going anywhere I know for a fact because I've been losing hair for almost 18 years, my brother too before he passed away had a lot of hair loss. So I know this is not going to stop and there is no cure, no magic pill, no vitamin, home remedy that can cure this.
I'm letting go of my strands, I'm no longer holding on to them. I thought that I had no control of my hair loss, but it turns out I do. I have control over how I feel, for the most part,So this is what I try to think about, when I catch myself looking at my brush or the palm of my hand.
Today someone at school who I hadn't seen in a while looked at me a little surprised and asked me I had dyed my hair. It was nice to know that this person couldn't tell I was wearing a hair topper since I'm still feeling self aware, not too much, but I do. I guess my blending and shading skills are getting better!
Today I met up with a few friends from college. When I started wearing my hair topper, I decided to be open about wearing alternative hair. Till this day this is the best decision I made for myself. I don't feel self conscious, I feel free to talk about my hair loss and about the hair I'm excited to buy. I feel I'm no longer hiding under a shell. My friends reaction? It was of support and they loved how this hair topper looked on me! Sometimes we are afraid of conclusions we create in our own head. Give others the opportunity to be aware of how hair loss can affect and even help in our lives. Create awareness, normalize it, let it stop being a taboo for female hair loss.
Selfie overload! I never thought I'd enjoy this lace front topper this much! I thought silk top was my main bissssh, but surprisingly it's not! I like how easy it is to part your hair without having to train the hair to stay put. I like that is very thin and light weight, I put some pics with a middle part and a side part. Also, I was able to make a mean messy pony! (I included a lil clip) Best part? Is that it feels very comfortable
Hope Synthetic mono topper:
It's nice having the opportunity to change my hair style as often as I'd like!
At first I was shy from wearing something completely different than my bio hair, but now I'm happy to accept the challenge! It no longer matters to me if my hair is shorter than my toppers or a different color. I've always been someone who gets bored quickly, I refuse to have my living room furniture in the same position for longer than a month or two. I feel the same about my alt hair.
Changing it up has given me a little more confidence & a sense of control over how I want my hair to look & more importantly control over how I feel.
Do I wear my bio hair or my alt hair? The choice is completely mine!
You're never alone on the way to loose hair!
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