Six Stress Management Tips for hair loss
January 30, 2019
Stress is a factor in all of our lives. Stress is simply the way we react physically, mentally, and emotionally to various conditions. A certain amount of stress keeps us engaged, focused and moving. However, too much stress can be bad. Most customers who have hair loss face this problem. So...
All About Alopecia
January 13, 2019
What is Alopecia?
Alopecia (al-oh-PEE-shah) is also referred as hair loss. There are 3 different types of Alopecia and they are:
1. Alopecia areata (hair loss in patches).
2. Alopecia totalis (lose all hair on the scalp).
3. Alopecia universalis (lose all...
Surprising Facts about Hair Loss
December 15, 2018
You may had heard of hair loss but you might don't know some facts about hair loss that really surprises you.
Hair loss can happen on women, men and also on children. It can be permanent or temporary. It can fall out strand by strand and it can thin little by little over several years'...
Should I tell my friends I'm wearing a wig/topper?
November 04, 2018
Question: 20 years dealing with hair loss, 7 years wearing wigs... Deciding whether or not to tell friends about your desire to wear wigs can be a hard mountain to climb. Personally, I love wearing wigs and having such an easy way to add some diversity to my look, while for a...
You have an Angel's face and don't let your hair ruin it!
October 21, 2018
Hair loss can affect both man and woman and can bring serious anxiety to people. To find the beauty they're addicted to, they invest a huge effort to seeking for a perfect solution but always get exhausted during the process. To understand the fact more thoroughly, let's start from...
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